
Showing posts from September, 2018

Send Mail as attachments

FUNCTION  zsd_reset_password . *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *"  IMPORTING *"     VALUE(IM_BNAME) TYPE  RSYST-BNAME OPTIONAL *"  EXPORTING *"     VALUE(MESSAGE) TYPE  STRING *"----------------------------------------------------------------------    DATA :         gt_table  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF  zsd_user_login ,                gs_table  TYPE                    zsd_user_login .   DATA :   password    TYPE   sld_password ,         password1   TYPE   sld_...

Encode and decode the password as per the user Requirements

here two function module are using encoding and decoding password 1. incode the password ENCODE_SLDPWD_BASE64 2. decode the passowrd DECODE_SLDPWD_BASE64

Submit program in SAP ABAP programming language

   TYPES  :  BEGIN  OF  ty_final , *-------Header             order_no                    TYPE  afko - aufnr ,   "Order No             order_date                  TYPE  afko - gstrp ,  "aufk-erdat,  "Order Date" afko-gstrp *         gstrp          TYPE afko-gstrp,  "Order Date             sku_no                      TYPE  afko...