Submit program with memory id
here simple example to submit program with memory id here you can import internal table and fetch the data REPORT ZSUBMIT2 . DATA : S_VBELN TYPE RANGE OF VBELN WITH HEADER LINE , gs_name1 type string . cl_salv_bs_runtime_info => set ( EXPORTING display = abap_false metadata = abap_true data = abap_true ) . SUBMIT ZSUBMIT1 with r2 = 'X' AND RETURN . import gs_name to gs_name1 from MEMORY id 'RKM' . BREAK-POINT . MESSAGE gs_name1 type 'I' . WRITE : 'Hello' . REPORT ZSUBMIT1 . PARAMETERS : r1 RADIOBUTTON GROUP r1 , r2 RADIOBUTTON GROUP r1 , ...