Business senario : FB60 AND FB70 validation and subsituation

As per the requirments
validation GGB0 and subsituation GGB1 with help to two t-code we can do validation of t-code fb60 or fb70 for this purpose you can go to to standared programs .
 there are two t-code for input your validation and subsituation OB28 for validation and OBBH for 
for subsituation you copy the standared program RGGBR000 in customer namespace and register the program in T80D table and register namespace to V_T80D Program

you can change your exit like below
  exits-name 'RK101'.
  exits-param c_exit_param_field.
  exits-TITLE TEXT-prb.
  APPEND exits.

And second code like below 
FORM upf04.


and hole code as like below 

PROGRAM zrggbs000 .
* Corrections/ repair
* wms092357 070703 Note 638886: template routines to be used for
*                  workaround to substitute bseg-bewar from bseg-xref1/2
*                                                                     *
*   Substitutions: EXIT-Formpool for Uxxx-Exits                       *
*                                                                     *
*   This formpool is used by SAP for testing purposes only.           *
*                                                                     *
*   Note: If you define a new user exit, you have to enter your       *
*         user exit in the form routine GET_EXIT_TITLES.              *
*                                                                     *
INCLUDE fgbbgd00.              "Standard data types

TYPE-POOLSgb002" TO BE INCLUDED IN                       "wms092357
TABLESbkpf,      " ANY SYSTEM THAT                         "wms092357
        bseg,      " HAS 'FI' INSTALLED                      "wms092357
        cobl,                                               "wms092357
        csks,                                               "wms092357
        anlz,                                               "wms092357
        glu1.                                               "wms092357


*       FORM GET_EXIT_TITLES                                           *
*       returns name and title of all available standard-exits         *
*       every exit in this formpool has to be added to this form.      *
*       You have to specify a parameter type in order to enable the    *
*       code generation program to determine correctly how to          *
*       generate the user exit call, i.e. how many and what kind of    *
*       parameter(s) are used in the user exit.                        *
*       The following parameter types exist:                           *
*                                                                      *
*       TYPE                Description              Usage             *
*    ------------------------------------------------------------      *
*       C_EXIT_PARAM_NONE   Use no parameter         Subst. and Valid. *
*                           except B_RESULT                            *
*       C_EXIT_PARAM_FIELD  Use one field as param.  Only Substitution *
*       C_EXIT_PARAM_CLASS  Use a type as parameter  Subst. and Valid  *
*                                                                      *
*  -->  EXIT_TAB  table with exit-name and exit-titles                 *
*                 structure: NAME(5), PARAM(1), TITEL(60)
FORM get_exit_titles TABLES etab.

          name(5)   TYPE c,
          param     LIKE c_exit_param_none,
          title(60TYPE c,
        END OF exits.

  exits-name  'U100'.
  exits-param c_exit_param_none.
  exits-title text-100.             "Cost center from CSKS
  APPEND exits.

  exits-name  'U101'.
  exits-param c_exit_param_field.
  exits-title text-101.             "Cost center from CSKS
  APPEND exits.

* begin of insertion                                          "wms092357
  exits-name  'U200'.
  exits-param c_exit_param_field.
  exits-title text-200.             "Cons. transaction type
  APPEND exits.                       "from xref1/2
* end of insertion                                            "wms092357

*  DELETE exits WHERE name = 'UFP04'.
  exits-name 'UPF04'.
  exits-param c_exit_param_field.
  exits-title text-prb.
  APPEND exits.

  exits-name 'RK101'.
  exits-param c_exit_param_field.
  exits-TITLE TEXT-prb.
  APPEND exits.

*  EXITS-NAME  = 'U102'.
*  EXITS-TITLE = TEXT-102.             "Sum is used for the reference.

  INCLUDE rggbs_ps_titles.

  REFRESH etab.
  LOOP AT exits.
    etab exits.
    APPEND etab.

ENDFORM.                    "GET_EXIT_TITLES

* eject
*       FORM U100                                                     *
*       Reads the cost-center from the CSKS table .                   *
FORM u100.

*              AND KOKRS EQ COBL-KOKRS.
*    ENDIF.

ENDFORM.                                                    "U100

* eject
*       FORM U101                                                     *
*       Reads the cost-center from the CSKS table for accounting      *
*       area '0001'.                                                  *
*       This exit uses a parameter for the cost_center so it can      *
*       be used irrespective of the table used in the callup point.   *
FORM u101 USING cost_center.

*              AND KOKRS EQ '0001'.
*    ENDIF.

ENDFORM.                                                    "U101

* eject
*       FORM U102                                                     *
*       Inserts the sum of the posting into the reference field.      *
*       This exit can be used in FI for the complete document.        *
*       The complete data is passed in one parameter.                 *

*FORM u102 USING bool_data TYPE gb002_015.
*                    WHERE    SHKZG = 'S'.
*       BSEG-ZUONR = 'Test'.
*    BKPF-XBLNR = TEXT-001.

*INCLUDE rggbs_ps_forms.

* begin of insertion                                          "wms092357
*&      Form  u200
*       text
FORM u200 USING e_rmvct TYPE bseg-bewar.
  PERFORM xref_to_rmvct USING bkpf bseg CHANGING e_rmvct.
ENDFORM.                    "u200

*&      Form  xref_to_rmvct
*       text
FORM xref_to_rmvct
     USING    is_bkpf         TYPE bkpf
              is_bseg         TYPE bseg
              i_xref_field    TYPE i
     CHANGING c_rmvct         TYPE rmvct.

  DATA l_msgv TYPE symsgv.

* either bseg-xref1 or bseg-xref2 must be used as source...
  IF i_xref_field <> AND i_xref_field <> 2.
      i_xref_field '(MUST BE = 1 OR = 2)' ''.
  IF st_rmvct IS INITIAL.
    SELECT trtyp FROM t856 INTO TABLE st_rmvct.
  IF i_xref_field 1.
    c_rmvct is_bseg-xref1.
    c_rmvct is_bseg-xref2.
  IF c_rmvct IS INITIAL.
    WRITE i_xref_field TO l_msgv LEFT-JUSTIFIED.
    CONCATENATE text-m00 l_msgv INTO l_msgv SEPARATED BY space.
*   cons. transaction type is not specified => send an error message...
    MESSAGE e123(g3WITH l_msgv.
*   Bitte geben Sie im Feld &1 eine Konsolidierungsbewegungsart an
* c_rmvct <> initial...
* cons. transaction type does not exist => send error message...
  WRITE i_xref_field TO l_msgv LEFT-JUSTIFIED.
  CONCATENATE text-m00 l_msgv INTO l_msgv SEPARATED BY space.
  MESSAGE e124(g3WITH c_rmvct l_msgv.
* KonsBewegungsart &1 ist ungültig (bitte Eingabe im Feld &2 korrigieren
ENDFORM.                    "xref_to_rmvct
* end of insertion                                            "wms092357

FORM upf04.


now you can maintace this program standared v_t80d

thne maintance you standard programs here only 

NOW Go to standared t-code GGB0 and made validation 
Here you can write simple code like below 

and now you can financial accounting and go to header level and maintance the code and make validation as per the user requirments so go the docoment header level and matance the code 

and go to check and write code like below 

and messages you can write code like below 

let this blog may help you to doing validation and subsituation but you can not get hole becasue this is not eassy you can write profer code and get may you get some idea to how to develop the code and and how to get the requirments may this you help little and give me more idea next time i write some better blogs thanks in advance to spending time to reaading this blogs 


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