
Showing posts from June, 2019

Long text in sap some time requirements to give long text

REPORT   zlong_text . data :  git_text   type  CATSXT_LONGTEXT_ITAB . CALL  FUNCTION  'CATSXT_SIMPLE_TEXT_EDITOR'    EXPORTING     im_title         =  'Reason for rejection' *    im_display_mode = abap_true    IM_START_COLUMN  =  10    IM_START_ROW     =  10    CHANGING     ch_text          =  git_text .

call transazation FB03

calling FB03 behalf of some code you can call transaction some time requirement you have need to call the screen transaction some peace of code you can call the below are the code you can call the screen as per the requirements FORM  user_comm  USING  ucomm  LIKE  sy - ucomm       s_selfield  TYPE  slis_selfield .    READ  TABLE  gt_final  INTO  gs_final  INDEX  s_selfield - tabindex .    SET  PARAMETER  ID  'BLN'  FIELD  gs_final - belnr .    SET  PARAMETER  ID  'BUK'  FIELD  p_bukrs .    SET  PARAMETER  ID  'GJR'  FIELD  p_gjahr .    CALL  TRANSACTION  'FB03'  AND  SKIP  FIRST  SCREEN . ENDFORM . 

How to use sy-tabix in sap abap programming language

Some time requirement to improve the performance of the code for this purpose we have to add secondary index below are syntax to used to secondary index              %_HINTS ORACLE  'INDEX("BSIS" "BSIS~ZCA")' .

Modify Particular records in table

Some time requirment to modify any partucular record from table in sap abap programming language  READ  TABLE  gt_bkpf  INTO  gs_bkpf  with  key  bukrs  =  gs_bsid - bukrs                                            belnr  =  gs_bsid - belnr                                            gjahr  =  gs_bsid - gjahr .              IF  sy - subrc  eq  0 .            ...

used to History table and fetch some records to getting records in table for this purpose we have to fetch some records

Some time we can check to change in your table for this solution we can fetch some records and value for below solution we can update the records and do operation of the code  TYPES :  BEGIN  OF  ty_cdhdr ,          objectclas  TYPE   cdobjectcl ,          objectid    TYPE   cdobjectv ,          changenr    TYPE   cdchangenr ,          username    TYPE   cdusername ,          udate       TYPE   cddatum ,          utime       TYPE   cduzeit ,          tcode   ...

Read text in standard text element in sap abap programming lanuage

Some time requirment to read text help of below code you can read any text in item level in sap abap  programming language  DATA :  lt_lines  TYPE  STANDARD  TABLE  OF  tline ,       wa_line  TYPE  tline ,       lv_name  TYPE  thead - tdname . SORT  lt_vbfa  ASCENDING . READ  TABLE  lt_vbfa  INTO  wa_vbfa    INDEX  ls_item - slno . CONCATENATE  wa_vbfa - vbelv wa_vbfa - posnv  INTO  lv_name . CALL  FUNCTION  'READ_TEXT'    EXPORTING *   CLIENT                        = SY-MANDT      ID                      ...

Additing text in vbak header level

       DATA :  sales_doc_number  TYPE  tdobname ,       c_textid          TYPE  tdid ,       t_line  TYPE  STANDARD  TABLE  OF  tline  WITH  HEADER  LINE .           t_line - tdformat  =  '*' .           t_line - tdline   =  gs_upload - ref_inv_no .            APPEND  t_line .           sales_doc_number  =  gv_salesdocument .           c_textid  =  '1000' .            CALL  FUNCTION  'CREATE_TEXT'       ...

Creating Text in line Item in sap abap

IF  gv_salesdocument  IS  NOT  INITIAL .           gs_final - cmr  =  gv_salesdocument .            SELECT  vbeln vgbel                   FROM  vbak                   INTO  TABLE  gt_vbak                   WHERE  vbeln  =  gv_salesdocument .            IF  sy - subrc  =  0 .              SELECT  vbeln                    posnr  ...

Read text sales order header VA03

Some time requirement to read text to header level in sap abap for this purpose we can write below Code read text va03 ************************************************************ Reading text in sap abap programming language ******************************************* DATA :       tdname  LIKE  stxl - tdname ,      myline  LIKE  tline - tdline ,      ze13_line ( 200 )  TYPE  c ,      lv_value  TYPE  c  LENGTH  142 . DATA :  BEGIN  OF  lines  OCCURS  0 .          INCLUDE  STRUCTURE  tline . DATA : END  OF  lines . DATA : BEGIN  OF  myheader .          INCLUDE  STRUCTURE  thead . DATA : END  OF  myheader . CALL  FUN...

Creating text example in sap abap programming language

************************************ create text example in sap abap programming language DATA :  sales_doc_number  TYPE  tdobname ,       c_textid          TYPE  tdid ,       t_line  type  STANDARD  TABLE  OF  TLINE  WITH  HEADER  LINE . t_line - tdformat  =  '*' . t_line - tdline   =  'text for testing' . APPEND  t_line . sales_doc_number  =  '1300000001' . c_textid  =  '1001' . call  FUNCTION  'CREATE_TEXT'    EXPORTING     fid          =  c_textid     flanguage    =  sy - langu     fname        =  '1300000001' ...

Calling the FB03 ANF VF03 T-CODE

with the help the below code we can call the fb03 and vf03 t-code for display purpose and pass in user commond field and display  * Check function code    CASE  r_ucomm .      WHEN  '&IC1' . *   Check field clicked on within ALVgrid report        IF  rs_selfield - fieldname  =  'VBELN' . *     Read data table, using index of row user clicked on          READ  TABLE  i_tab  INTO  wa_tab  INDEX  rs_selfield - tabindex . *     Set parameter ID for transaction screen field          SET  PARAMETER  ID  'VF'  FIELD  wa_tab - vbeln . *     Execu...