
Showing posts from January, 2018

Adding Explicit Enhancement to custom program

 here i have develop explicit Enhancement  repalce code as per the requirments here previou code not goging to execute your code get executed at time one active enhacments can we run enhacment *----------------------------------------------------------------------- *  Report  Zdev                                                        * *                                                         ...

vofm get price t-code me22n validation of price condition

VOFM Routine is very important with help of you can create your condition exit NAME: LV69AF40 Put this code for getting data Business requirments getting price condition in me22n and help the me22n you can get the price condition for you can feth the data two table ekko and konv table  and select the three field ebeln and knumb and pass knub to knov table and feth the field for knov table  knumv and kschl and kawrt and get all field and do caluation as per the caluation you get your result   break rohinik .   data  :  lv_value1  LIKE  xkomv - kwert .   import  lv_value1  from MEMORY id  'ZKWERT' .      LOOP AT  XKOMV  WHERE  kschl  =  'BASB' .      IF  SY - subrc  =  0 .     Xkomv - kwert  =  lv_value1 .      MODIFY  XKOMV  TRANSPORTING  kwert...

sales order creation change display vl01/vl02/vl03

va01 : creating sales order va02: chagne the sales order va03: dispaly the sales order  sales order creation using the t-code va01 as per the business requirments each company or plant creating your sales order and puraches order so here i going to explain how to created puraches order step 1 : go the t-code va01 here need to enter the order type OR AND sales Organizatoin B100 and distrubution Channel b1 and divisin b1 and enter the hit for accurate data you need to contact you fuctional consutalnt they give you proper data then hit enter button after that enter puraches documents header data like below  in puraches document header data enter the Sold-To Pary and Ship To party and po Number and hit Enter Now Enter the itme data as per the requirments now  you can enter item material discription plant and  Quantity plant and price and hit save its depends on your company and plant how many fields required to enter creating sales order and how to mait...

LV61AA55 this in include we can enhancement pricing routines va01

when you get requirments to enhacement to pricing routine you go to the programs and develop the this t-code you can also develop the vofm routines to get the requiments for vofm you have to need to access key the break the standared progrms................. BREAK rohinik .    data  :  lv_flag1  type c . DATA :  lv_kwert  like  xkomv - kwert ,        lv_value  like  xkomv - kwert .    LOOP AT  XKOMV  WHERE  kschl  =  'PR00' .       IF  SY - subrc  =  0 .        lv_kwert  =  Xkomv - KWERT /  10 .      ENDIF .    ENDLOOP .    LOOP AT  XKOMV  WHERE  kschl  =  'ZNOY' .      IF  SY - subrc  =  0 .        lv_value...

Business senario : FB60 AND FB70 validation and subsituation

As per the requirments validation GGB0 and subsituation GGB1 with help to two t-code we can do validation of t-code fb60 or fb70 for this purpose you can go to to standared programs .  there are two t-code for input your validation and subsituation OB28 for validation and OBBH for  subsituation   for subsituation you copy the standared program RGGBR000 in customer namespace and register the program in T80D table and register namespace to V_T80D Program you can change your exit like below   exits - name  =  'RK101' .   exits - param  =  c_exit_param_field .   exits - TITLE  =  TEXT - prb .    APPEND  exits . And second code like below  FORM  upf04 .    IF  BKPF - bukrs  IS  INITIAL .      MESSAGE  'PLease enter COMPANY CODE'  TYPE  'I' .    ENDIF . ENDFORM . and hole code as ...